Change Log


  • Return Map Zone Vertices added to Dispatching
  • Postman collection updated to Release
    • Get MapZoneVertices example added to Dispatching.

Ver a3.5.2.0

Ver a2.91

Ver a2.9

  • Postman collection updated to Release 10
    • New model/search examples added
  • New ExtendedInfo example added to Models: Search for a Model

Ver a2.8

  • Postman collection updated to Release 8

    • New invoice/search examples added
  • Refined invoice/search endpoint content.

  • Added additional descriptions for each Invoice table in Invoicing.

  • Added Invoicing ER Diagram.

Ver a2.7

Ver a2.6

  • Postman collection updated to Release 7.

Ver a2.5

  • Postman collection updated to Release 6.

Ver a2.4

Ver a2.3

  • Added Searching and Paging to Getting Started section.
    • Added additional content and examples for searching and retrieving records with xAPI.
    • Added additional examples for Paging.
  • Removed Paging from Getting Started.

Ver a2.2