
The Customer resource is used to add a new customer record to EPASS, or to retrieve an existing one.

Add a Customer Record

POST /customer/customer

This endpoint adds a new customer record to EPASS. When adding a customer record, you can specify a branch and terminal to add them to (see the Samples section at the end of this topic).


Required Fields

The following fields are the absolute minimum fields that are required to add a customer record.

Field Type Description
BranchCode string Must be a valid Branch Code. This Branch must also be set up in A/R Variables (if Split A/R By Branch is turned on). If not provided then it uses the constant value DEFAULT.
Code string The customer code can be a maximum of 20 characters. We recommend using the customer phone number without any dashes, slashes, or spaces. EPASS auto-generates a code if you do not supply one.
FirstName string Required
LastName string Required
TaxCode string Required and recommended that you provide a TaxCode. However, if not supplied, it will attempt to default from the Terminal object.

Potentially Required Fields

These fields may be required, depending on your EPASS configuration.

Field Type Value
Address1 string If the A/R Variables option RequireAddress is True, then it’s required.
BillingEmail string Must be a valid email format.
City string If the A/R Variables option RequireCity is True, then it’s required.
CustomerDepartment array If the A/R Variables option RequireZone is True, then must have valid Department and MapZone
Directions string If the A/R Variables option RequireDirections is True, then it’s required.
Email string If the A/R Variables option RequiteEmail is True, then either email must be a valid formatted email or DeclineEmail must be True.
MailingEmail string Must be a valid email format.
MapZoneCode string Must be a valid Map Zone Code.
Phone1 string If the A/R Variables option Phone1Required is True, then it’s required.
ZipCode string If the A/R Variables option RequireZip is True, then it’s required. Must be valid Zip Code or Postal Code format.

Fields with Initialized Values

These fields are initialized to a default value.

Field Value
AccountType This will default from A/R Variables (for the current Branch) field: AccType
BillServiceCharge This will default from A/R Variables (for the current Branch) field: AccServiceCharges
CreditLimit This will default from A/R Variables (for the current Branch) field: AccDefaultCreditLimit
DoNotAllowSaveCreditCard False
DoNotMMS False
DoNotService False
DoNotText False
EnableCreditLimit This will default from A/R Variables (for the current Branch) field: AccEnableCreditLimit
ExternalID Not required but if provided it must be a unique value.
InvoiceDeliveryMethod This will default from A/R Variables (for the current Branch) field: InvoiceDeliveryMethod
ItemListPriceCode This will default from A/R Variables (for the current Branch) field: AccItemListPriceCode
LaborRate This will default from A/R Variables (for the current Branch) field: AccLaborRate
OtherListPriceCode This will default from A/R Variables (for the current Branch) field: AccOtherListPriceCode
PaymentTypeCode If you do not supply a PaymentTypeCode and if the A/R Variables option DefaultCustomerPaymentTypeFromTerminal is True then it will use the PaymentTypeCode from the Terminal object.
PORequired False
PreferredContact This will default from A/R Variables (for the current Branch) field: PreferredContact
PrintStatement This will default from A/R Variables (for the current Branch) field: AccPrintStatements
SerialListPriceCode This will default from A/R Variables (for the current Branch) field: AccSerialListPrice
Statement Print Only
UseProjectPricing False
UserCreated If you do not supply the UserCreated then the LoginUser will be used.
WebCarrierCode This will default from A/R Variables (for the current Branch) field: CarrierCode

Sample: Adding a Customer Record

 POST /customer/customer
    "externalID": "",
    "code": null,
    "lastName": "Michael",
    "firstName": "Bluster",
    "address1": "1111 Main street",
    "address2": null,
    "city": "Burnaby",
    "state": "BC",
    "zipCode": "V4W 0Y2",
    "country": null,
    "phone1TextEnabled": false,
    "phone2TextEnabled": false,
    "phone1": null,
    "phone2": null,
    "businessPhoneTextEnabled": false,
    "businessPhone": null,
    "faxTextEnabled": false,
    "fax": null,
    "otherPhone": null,
    "email": "",
    "billingEmail": null,
    "website": null,
    "contact": [],
    "mailingSameAsPhysical": false,
    "mailingAddress1": "222 Main street",
    "mailingAddress2": null,
    "mailingCity": "Vancovuer",
    "mailingState": "BC",
    "mailingZipCode": null,
    "mailingPhone": null,
    "mailingFax": null,
    "mailingEmail": "",
    "customerDepartment": [],
    "directions": null,
    "note": null,
    "poNumber": null,
    "branchCode": null,
    "tax2Exempt": null,
    "tax3Exempt": null,
    "taxCode": null,
    "updateContactInfo": true,
    "Country": "Canada"
    "contacts": [
            "name": "contact1",
            "description": "description1",
            "phone": "phone1",
            "email": ""
            "name": "contact2",
            "description": "description2",
            "phone": "phone2",
            "email": ""
            "name": "contact3",
            "description": "description3",
            "phone": "phone3",
            "email": ""
            "name": "contact4",
            "description": "description4",
            "phone": "phone4",
            "email": ""
            "name": "contact5",
            "description": "description5",
            "phone": "phone5",
            "email": ""
            "name": "contact6",
            "description": "description6",
            "phone": "phone6",
            "email": ""
    "customerDepartments": [
            "department": "VANCOUVER",
            "mapZoneCode": "VANIS"
            "department": "KELOWNA",
            "mapZoneCode": "KEL"
    "success": true,
    "warning": false,
    "httpStatusCode": 201,
    "generalMessage": null,
    "exceptionMessage": null,
    "keys": [
            "table": "Customer",
            "keys": [
                    "key": "ID",
                    "fields": [
                            "fieldName": "ID",
                            "fieldValue": 354308
                    "key": "PrimaryKey",
                    "fields": [
                            "fieldName": "Code",
                            "fieldValue": "191408"
            "table": "CustomerContact",
            "keys": [
                    "key": "ID",
                    "fields": [
                            "fieldName": "ID",
                            "fieldValue": 140192
            "table": "CustomerDepartment",
            "keys": [
                    "key": "ID",
                    "fields": [
                            "fieldName": "ID",
                            "fieldValue": 531
            "table": "CustomerDepartment",
            "keys": [
                    "key": "ID",
                    "fields": [
                            "fieldName": "ID",
                            "fieldValue": 532
    "messages": [],
    "warnings": []

    "success": false,
    "warning": false,
    "httpStatusCode": 422,
    "generalMessage": "One or more of the fields has an invalid or missing value.",
    "exceptionMessage": null,
    "keys": [],
    "messages": [
            "code": "CUS-00004",
            "message": "FirstName and LastName are required."
            "code": "CUS-10028",
            "message": "AddressLine1 is missing."
            "code": "CUS-10029",
            "message": "City is missing."
            "code": "CUS-10030",
            "message": "ZipCode is missing."
            "code": "CUS-10039",
            "message": "Email address is missing."
    "warnings": []

Retrieve a Customer Record

GET /customer/customer

This endpoint returns the attributes of a customer record.


Name Description
CustomerCode Required. The customer code. In EPASS, this is entered in the Account # field of a customer’s record and has a maximum of 20 characters.

Sample: Retrieving a Customer Record

GET /customer/customer?CustomerCode=1000

    "Result": {
        "Success": true,
        "Warning": false,
        "HttpStatusCode": 0,
        "GeneralMessage": "Returned 1 record",
        "ExceptionMessage": null,
        "Keys": [],
        "Messages": [],
        "Warnings": []
    "Values": [
            "Fields": {
                "ID": 44,
                "Code": "232587",
                "ExternalID": "",
                "FirstName": "James",
                "LastName": "Nelson",
                "Suite": "",
                "Address1": "600 25th Street",
                "Address2": "",
                "City": "Bellingham",
                "State": "WA",
                "AccountType": "Open Item",
                "AllowCharge": false,
                "AveragePaymentDays": 0,
                "Balance": 0.0,
                "BillServiceCharge": true,
                "BillToAccount": "",
                "BirthDate": null,
                "BranchCode": "Default",
                "BusinessPhone": "",
                "Contact": "",
                "CreditLimit": 0.0,
                "DateCreated": "2024-07-10T00:00:00",
                "DateModified": "2024-12-11T00:00:00",
                "Dependants": 0,
                "Directions": "",
                "DoNotMail": false,
                "Email": "",
                "EmpAddress1": "",
                "EmpAddress2": "",
                "EmpAltIncome": 0.0,
                "EmpAltIncomeDesc": "",
                "EmpCity": "",
                "EmpOccupation": "",
                "EmpSalary": 0.0,
                "EmpStartDate": null,
                "EmpState": "",
                "EmpZipCode": "",
                "Employer": "",
                "EnableCreditLimit": false,
                "ExpiryDate": null,
                "Extensions": 0,
                "Fax": "",
                "Field1": "",
                "Field2": "",
                "Field3": "",
                "Field4": "",
                "Field5": "",
                "FinanceCompany": false,
                "FinanceDocument": "",
                "ItemListPriceCode": "SP",
                "LaborRate": "Rate 1",
                "LastActivityDate": "2024-07-24T00:00:00",
                "LastYearPurchase": 0.0,
                "Longitude": 0.0,
                "Latitude": 0.0,
                "MapReference": "",
                "MapZoneCode": "",
                "MaritalStatus": "",
                "MiddleName": "",
                "Note": "",
                "OtherListPriceCode": "SP",
                "OtherPhone": "",
                "Overdue": 0,
                "Overdue30": 0,
                "Overdue60": 0,
                "Overdue90": 0,
                "PONumber": "",
                "PORequired": false,
                "Phone1": "(555) 555-1212",
                "Phone2": "",
                "PrintStatement": true,
                "SSN": "",
                "SerialListPriceCode": "SP",
                "ShowInvoicesHyperlink": true,
                "Statement": "Print Only",
                "Tax1Exempt": "",
                "Tax2Exempt": "",
                "Tax3Exempt": "",
                "TaxCode": "SEA",
                "ThirtyDayAccount": false,
                "UserCreated": "C",
                "UserModified": "C",
                "Website": "",
                "YTDPurchase": 0.0,
                "ZipCode": "98225",
                "BankruptCode": "",
                "CreditHold": false,
                "WebNotShowRef": false,
                "WebNotShowPastDueWarn": false,
                "DoNotEmail": false,
                "BillingEmail": "",
                "InvoiceDeliveryMethod": "Email",
                "WebViewPartsLookup": true,
                "WebViewCurrentOrders": true,
                "WebViewOpenPartsList": true,
                "WebViewHistory": true,
                "WebAccessType": "Retail",
                "WebPassword2": "",
                "WebCarrierCode": "",
                "GoogleValidated": false,
                "Phone1TextEnabled": true,
                "Phone2TextEnabled": true,
                "BusinessPhoneTextEnabled": false,
                "FaxTextEnabled": false,
                "WebAllowSearchAll": false,
                "WebMessageUserCode": "",
                "WebMessageRecUserCode": "",
                "DoNotText": false,
                "DoNotMMS": false,
                "PreferredContact": "",
                "WebSubmitClaim1Year": false,
                "WebSubmitClaimSub": false,
                "WebSubmitClaimWolf": false,
                "WebReturnParts": false,
                "UpdateContactInfo": false,
                "SynchInMobileTech": false,
                "WebLanguage": "English",
                "SalespersonCode": "",
                "CreditManagerUserCode": "",
                "CreditHoldDays": 0,
                "ForceCreditApproval": false,
                "DoNotAllowSaveCreditCard": false,
                "UseProjectPricing": false,
                "ProjectCode": "",
                "SaleReferralCode": "",
                "Country": "USA",
                "DeclineEmail": false,
                "ParentCompanyCode": "",
                "Table1Code": "",
                "DoNotService": false,
                "EmpAltSupervisor": "",
                "EmpExt": "",
                "EmpFromTime": "",
                "EmpPayday": "",
                "EmpPhone1": "",
                "EmpSupervisor": "",
                "EmpToTime": "",
                "InvTypeCode": "",
                "MailingAddress1": "",
                "MailingAddress2": "",
                "MailingCity": "",
                "MailingEmail": "",
                "MailingFax": "",
                "MailingPhone": "",
                "MailingSameAsPhysical": true,
                "MailingState": "",
                "MailingZipCode": "",
                "PaymentTypeCode": "COD",
                "WebChargeShipping": true,
                "WebDefaultLocation": "",
                "WebID": "",
                "WebPassword": "",
                "WebShipPreference": "Complete Ship",
                "DoNotAllowCTPLink": false

Customer not found.

Search for a Customer

POST /customer/search

This endpoint searches and returns a customer record. You can search for a customer by any of it’s attributes.

Sample: Searching for a Customer

POST /customer/search 
    "query": {
        "fieldName": "ID",
        "eval": "EQUAL",
        "value": "301762"

POST /customer/search 
    "query": {
        "fieldName": "ID",
        "eval": "EQUAL",
        "value": "303428"
    "extendedInfo": {
        "Branch": [
POST /customer/search
    "paging": {
        "pageSize": 50,
        "pageStartId": 0
    "query": {
        "fieldName": "DateCreated",
        "eval": "between",
        "start": "2023-01-01",
    "tables": {
        "Customer": [
        "CustomerContact": [
        "CustomerDepartment": []
    "extendedInfo": {
        "Branch": [
  "Results": {
    "Success": true,
    "Warning": false,
    "HttpStatusCode": 200,
    "GeneralMessage": "Returned 1 records",
    "ExceptionMessage": null,
    "Keys": [],
    "Messages": [],
    "Warnings": []
  "Paging": {
    "PageSize": 100,
    "LargestID": 0,
    "PagesRemaining": false
  "Query": {
    "fieldName": "ID",
    "eval": "EQUAL",
    "value": "303428",
    "valueList": null,
    "start": null,
    "end": null
  "SubQuery": [],
  "Customer": [
      "Fields": {
        "ID": 303428,
        "Code": "140773",
        "ExternalID": "",
        "FirstName": "ASH",
        "LastName": "WILLIAMS",
        "Suite": "",
        "Address1": "555 BOUNDRY ROAD",
        "Address2": "",
        "City": "ABBOTSFORD",
        "State": "BC",
        "AccountType": "Open Item",
        "AllowCharge": false,
        "AveragePaymentDays": 0,
        "Balance": 0.0,
        "BillServiceCharge": true,
        "BillToAccount": "",
        "BirthDate": null,
        "BranchCode": "140",
        "BusinessPhone": "",
        "Contact": "",
        "CreditLimit": 0.0,
        "DateCreated": "2020-12-10T00:00:00",
        "DateModified": null,
        "Dependants": 0,
        "Directions": "",
        "DoNotMail": false,
        "Email": "",
        "EmpAddress1": "",
        "EmpAddress2": "",
        "EmpAltIncome": 0.0,
        "EmpAltIncomeDesc": "",
        "EmpCity": "",
        "EmpOccupation": "",
        "EmpSalary": 0.0,
        "EmpStartDate": null,
        "EmpState": "",
        "EmpZipCode": "",
        "Employer": "",
        "EnableCreditLimit": false,
        "ExpiryDate": null,
        "Extensions": 0,
        "Fax": "",
        "Field1": "",
        "Field2": "",
        "Field3": "",
        "Field4": "",
        "Field5": "",
        "FinanceCompany": false,
        "FinanceDocument": "",
        "ItemListPriceCode": "CSP",
        "LaborRate": "Rate 1",
        "LastActivityDate": "2020-12-13T00:00:00",
        "LastYearPurchase": 0.0,
        "Longitude": 0.0,
        "Latitude": 0.0,
        "MapReference": "",
        "MapZoneCode": "",
        "MaritalStatus": "",
        "MiddleName": "",
        "Note": "",
        "OtherListPriceCode": "CSP",
        "OtherPhone": "",
        "Overdue": 0,
        "Overdue30": 0,
        "Overdue60": 0,
        "Overdue90": 0,
        "PONumber": "",
        "PORequired": false,
        "Phone1": "",
        "Phone2": "(604) 768-2404",
        "PrintStatement": true,
        "SSN": "",
        "SerialListPriceCode": "CSP",
        "ShowInvoicesHyperlink": true,
        "Statement": "Print Only",
        "Tax1Exempt": "",
        "Tax2Exempt": "",
        "Tax3Exempt": "",
        "TaxCode": "BCP",
        "ThirtyDayAccount": false,
        "UserCreated": "03051",
        "UserModified": "",
        "Website": "",
        "YTDPurchase": 448.87,
        "ZipCode": "V3G 2N1",
        "BankruptCode": "",
        "CreditHold": false,
        "WebNotShowRef": false,
        "WebNotShowPastDueWarn": false,
        "DoNotEmail": false,
        "BillingEmail": "",
        "InvoiceDeliveryMethod": "Print",
        "WebViewPartsLookup": true,
        "WebViewCurrentOrders": true,
        "WebViewOpenPartsList": true,
        "WebViewHistory": true,
        "WebAccessType": "Retail",
        "WebPassword2": "",
        "WebCarrierCode": "",
        "GoogleValidated": false,
        "Phone1TextEnabled": false,
        "Phone2TextEnabled": false,
        "BusinessPhoneTextEnabled": false,
        "FaxTextEnabled": false,
        "WebAllowSearchAll": false,
        "WebMessageUserCode": "",
        "WebMessageRecUserCode": "",
        "DoNotText": false,
        "DoNotMMS": false,
        "PreferredContact": "",
        "WebSubmitClaim1Year": false,
        "WebSubmitClaimSub": false,
        "WebSubmitClaimWolf": false,
        "WebReturnParts": false,
        "UpdateContactInfo": false,
        "SynchInMobileTech": false,
        "WebLanguage": "English",
        "SalespersonCode": "",
        "CreditManagerUserCode": "",
        "CreditHoldDays": 0,
        "ForceCreditApproval": false,
        "DoNotAllowSaveCreditCard": false,
        "UseProjectPricing": false,
        "ProjectCode": "",
        "SaleReferralCode": "",
        "Country": "",
        "DeclineEmail": false,
        "ParentCompanyCode": "",
        "Table1Code": "",
        "DoNotService": false,
        "EmpAltSupervisor": "",
        "EmpExt": "",
        "EmpFromTime": "",
        "EmpPayday": "",
        "EmpPhone1": "",
        "EmpSupervisor": "",
        "EmpToTime": "",
        "InvTypeCode": "",
        "MailingAddress1": "",
        "MailingAddress2": "",
        "MailingCity": "",
        "MailingEmail": "",
        "MailingFax": "",
        "MailingPhone": "",
        "MailingSameAsPhysical": true,
        "MailingState": "",
        "MailingZipCode": "",
        "PaymentTypeCode": "COD",
        "WebChargeShipping": true,
        "WebDefaultLocation": "",
        "WebID": "",
        "WebPassword": "",
        "WebShipPreference": "Complete Ship"
      "CustomerDepartment": [],
      "ExtendedInfo": {
        "Branch": {
          "Fields": {
            "ID": 11,
            "Code": "140",
            "Description": "Abbotsford"

  "Results": {
    "Success": false,
    "Warning": false,
    "HttpStatusCode": 400,
    "GeneralMessage": null,
    "ExceptionMessage": "Error. Empty Search Field",
    "Keys": [],
    "Messages": [],
    "Warnings": []
  "Paging": {
    "PageSize": 100,
    "LargestID": 0,
    "PagesRemaining": false
  "Query": {
    "fieldName": null,
    "eval": "EQUAL",
    "value": "",
    "valueList": null,
    "start": null,
    "end": null
  "SubQuery": [],
  "Customer": []