Customer Table Fields
Customer Table
ID: integer,
Code: integer,
ExternalID: string,
FirstName: string,
LastName: string,
Suite: string,
Address1: string,
Address2: string,
City: string,
State: string,
AccountType: string,
AllowCharge: boolean,
AveragePaymentDays: integer,
Balance: integer,
BillServiceCharge: boolean,
BillToAccount: string,
BirthDate: YYYY-MM-DD,
BranchCode: integer,
BusinessPhone: string,
Contact: string,
Country: string,
CreditLimit: integer,
DateCreated: YYYY-MM-DD,
DateModified: YYYY-MM-DD,
Dependants: integer,
Directions: string,
DoNotMail: boolean,
Email: string,
EmpAddress1: string,
EmpAddress2: string,
EmpAltIncome: integer,
EmpAltIncomeDesc: string,
EmpCity: string,
EmpOccupation: string,
EmpSalary: integer.integer,
EmpStartDate: YYYY-MM-DD,
EmpState: string,
EmpZipCode: string,
Employer: string,
EnableCreditLimit: boolean,
ExpiryDate: null,
Extensions: integer,
Fax: string,
Field1: string,
Field2: string,
Field3: string,
Field4: string,
Field5: string,
FinanceCompany: boolean,
FinanceDocument: string,
ItemListPriceCode: string,
LaborRate: string,
LastActivityDate: YYYY-MM-DD,
LastYearPurchase: integer,
Longitude: integer,
Latitude: integer,
MapReference: string,
MapZoneCode: string,
MaritalStatus: string,
MiddleName: string,
Note: string,
OtherListPriceCode: string,
OtherPhone: string,
Overdue: integer,
Overdue3integer: integer,
Overdue6integer: integer,
Overdue9integer: integer,
PONumber: string,
PORequired: boolean,
Phone1: string,
Phone2: string,
PrintStatement: boolean,
SSN: string,
SerialListPriceCode: string,
ShowInvoicesHyperlink: boolean,
Statement: string,
Tax1Exempt: string,
Tax2Exempt: string,
Tax3Exempt: string,
TaxCode: string,
ThirtyDayAccount: boolean,
UserCreated: string,
UserModified: string,
Website: string,
YTDPurchase: integer,
ZipCode: string,
BankruptCode: string,
CreditHold: boolean,
WebNotShowRef: boolean,
WebNotShowPastDueWarn: boolean,
DoNotEmail: boolean,
BillingEmail: string,
InvoiceDeliveryMethod: string,
WebViewPartsLookup: boolean,
WebViewCurrentOrders: boolean,
WebViewOpenPartsList: boolean,
WebViewHistory: boolean,
WebAccessType: string,
WebPassword2: string,
WebCarrierCode: string,
GoogleValidated: boolean,
Phone1TextEnabled: boolean,
Phone2TextEnabled: boolean,
BusinessPhoneTextEnabled: boolean,
FaxTextEnabled: boolean,
WebAllowSearchAll: boolean,
WebMessageUserCode: string,
WebMessageRecUserCode: string,
DoNotText: boolean,
DoNotMMS: boolean,
PreferredContact: string,
WebSubmitClaim1Year: boolean,
WebSubmitClaimSub: boolean,
WebSubmitClaimWolf: boolean,
WebReturnParts: boolean,
UpdateContactInfo: boolean,
SynchInMobileTech: boolean,
WebLanguage: string,
SalespersonCode: string,
CreditManagerUserCode: string,
CreditHoldDays: integer,
ForceCreditApproval: boolean,
DoNotAllowSaveCreditCard: boolean,
UseProjectPricing: boolean,
ProjectCode: string,
SaleReferralCode: string,
Country: string,
DeclineEmail: boolean,
ParentCompanyCode: string,
Table1Code: string,
DoNotService: boolean,
EmpAltSupervisor: string,
EmpExt: string,
EmpFromTime: string,
EmpPayday: string,
EmpPhone1: string,
EmpSupervisor: string,
EmpToTime: string,
InvTypeCode: string,
MailingAddress1: string,
MailingAddress2: string,
MailingCity: string,
MailingEmail: string,
MailingFax: string,
MailingPhone: string,
MailingSameAsPhysical: boolean,
MailingState: string,
MailingZipCode: string,
PaymentTypeCode: string,
WebChargeShipping: boolean,
WebDefaultLocation: string,
WebID: string,
WebPassword: string,
WebShipPreference: string,
DoNotAllowCTPLink: boolean
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