Postman Collections

We recommend using our collection files with Postman to help you learn, develop, and test your integration.

Download the the latest version of Postman here.

Collection Files

We continually update our collection files to reflect the changes and updates we make to the xAPI.

Version Notes Link
v1.5.3.0 Latest Release
- GET MapZoneVertices added to the Dispatch endpoint.
v1.5.2.0 - Added the ability to change the JobStatusCode
- Ignore email fields in the web order end point for a quote.
- Two new fields added to models/search: Serial Type Code and Model ATS value
v1.3.1.2 - Requested Date added to the Edit Invoice endpoint.
- Enhancements made to overall xAPI performance.
v1r1_R10 New examples included in models/search endpoint. Download
v1r1_R9 Postman collection release 9. Download
v1r1_R8 Postman collection release 8. Download
v1r1_R7 Postman collection release 7. Download
v1r1_R6 Postman collection release 6. Download