Change the Schedule Date or Requested Date

POST /invoicing/invoice/edit

This endpoint can reschedules an invoice’s scheduled delivery date, change the requested date, or reset the requested date to a null value.

Invoice Conditions

An invoice must meet this list of conditions before you can change the schedule date or requested date.

Condition Value
Invoice Status Invoice must be Open or Commited
ScheduleDate A valid schedue date is required.

Changing the Schedule Date


Required Fields

The following are the absolute minimum fields required to reschedule an invoice.

Field Type Description
InvoiceCode string Must be a valid Invoice Code.
ScheduleDate string Format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:hh:ss.sssZ
The rescheduled delivery date.

Sample: Rescheduling a Delivery Date

POST /invoicing/invoice/edit
    "userModified": null,
    "invoiceCode": "1234567",
    "scheduleDate": "2021-10-18"

    "success": true,
    "warning": false,
    "httpStatusCode": 201,
    "generalMessage": null,
    "exceptionMessage": null,
    "keys": [
            "table": "Invoice",
            "keys": [
                    "key": "ID",
                    "fields": [
                            "fieldName": "ID",
                            "fieldValue": 12345
            "table": "InvoiceNote",
            "keys": [
                    "key": "ID",
                    "fields": [
                            "fieldName": "ID",
                            "fieldValue": 123456
    "messages": [],
    "warnings": []
    "success": false,
    "warning": false,
    "httpStatusCode": 422,
    "generalMessage": "One or more of the fields has an invalid or missing value.",
    "exceptionMessage": null,
    "keys": [],
    "messages": [
            "code": "INV-010073",
            "message": "You cannot select a Schedule Date that is in the past."
    "warnings": []

Change the Requested Date


Required Fields

The following are the absolute minimum fields required to change the requested date on an invoice.

Field Type Description
InvoiceCode string Must be a valid Invoice Code.
RequestedDate string Format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:hh:ss.sssZ
The requested delivery date.

Sample: Changing the Requested Date

POST /invoicing/invoice/edit
    "userModified": null,
    "invoiceCode": "5797",
    "RequestedDate": "2022-10-19"

    "Success": true,
    "Warning": false,
    "HttpStatusCode": 201,
    "GeneralMessage": null,
    "ExceptionMessage": null,
    "Keys": [
            "Table": "Invoice",
            "Keys": [
                    "Key": "ID",
                    "Fields": [
                            "FieldName": "ID",
                            "FieldValue": 3643
    "Messages": [],
    "Warnings": []

    "Success": false,
    "Warning": false,
    "HttpStatusCode": 422,
    "GeneralMessage": "One or more of the fields has an invalid or missing value.",
    "ExceptionMessage": null,
    "Keys": [],
    "Messages": [
            "Code": "INV-010104",
            "Message": "cannot edit a Finished Invoice."
    "Warnings": []

Resetting the Requested Date to a Null Value

Sending a request to the endpoint with this payload will reset an invoice’s current requested date to a null value.

Required Fields

The following are the absolute minimum fields required to reset the requested date to a null value.

Field Type Description
InvoiceCode string Must be a valid Invoice Code.
RequestedDate string Format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:hh:ss.sssZ
The requested delivery date.
isRequestedDateSet boolean This boolean field needs to be true.

POST /invoicing/invoice/edit
    "userModified": null,
    "invoiceCode": "5501",
    "RequestedDate": null,
    "isRequestedDateSet": true

    "Success": true,
    "Warning": false,
    "HttpStatusCode": 201,
    "GeneralMessage": null,
    "ExceptionMessage": null,
    "Keys": [
            "Table": "Invoice",
            "Keys": [
                    "Key": "ID",
                    "Fields": [
                            "FieldName": "ID",
                            "FieldValue": 3643
            "Table": "InvoiceNote",
            "Keys": [
                    "Key": "ID",
                    "Fields": [
                            "FieldName": "ID",
                            "FieldValue": 3418
    "Messages": [],
    "Warnings": []

    "Success": false,
    "Warning": false,
    "HttpStatusCode": 422,
    "GeneralMessage": "One or more of the fields has an invalid or missing value.",
    "ExceptionMessage": null,
    "Keys": [],
    "Messages": [
            "Code": "INV-010104",
            "Message": "cannot edit a Finished Invoice."
    "Warnings": []