Search for Invoices

There are three endpoints you can use when searching for an invoice.

Endpoint Description
/invoicing/invoice/search Used to create customized searches using a wide-range of search parameters.
/invoicing/invoice/search/code Used to search for a single invoice by it’s ID code.
/invoicing /invoice/search/modified Used to search for invoices that have been modified within a date range.

POST /invoicing/invoice/search/

This endpoint searches and returns an invoice based on one or more search parameters. You can search for an invoice by any of it’s attributes.

Sample: Searching for an Invoice

POST /invoicing/invoice/search
    "query": {
                "fieldName": "SoldToFirstName",
                "eval": "equal",
                "value": "Doris"
    "subquery" : [
            "logic": "AND",
            "query": {
                "fieldName": "SoldToLastName",
                "eval": "equal",
                "value": "Gaby"



POST /invoicing/invoice/search
    "paging": {
        "pageSize": 10,
        "pageStartId": 0
    "query": {
       "fieldName": "Status",
        "eval": "equal",
        "value": "Open"
            "logic": "AND",
            "query": {
                "fieldName": "MapZoneCode",
                "eval": "equal",
                "value": "A"
    "extendedInfo": {
        "Salesperson1": [
        "Salesperson2": [],
        "Branch": [

Search by Code

POST /invoicing/invoice/search/code

This endpoint searches and returns an invoice by it’s unique ID code.


Name Type Description
query.invoicecode string The invoice’s unique ID code.

Sample: Searching by Invoice Code

POST /invoicing/invoice/search/code
     "query": {
        "invoicecode": "5827" 

    "Results": {
        "Success": true,
        "Warning": false,
        "HttpStatusCode": 200,
        "GeneralMessage": "Returned 1 record",
        "ExceptionMessage": null,
        "Keys": [],
        "Messages": [],
        "Warnings": []
    "Paging": {
        "PageSize": 100,
        "LargestID": 0,
        "PagesRemaining": false
    "Query": {
        "InvoiceCode": "5827"
    "SubQuery": [],
    "Invoice": [
            "Fields": {
                "ID": 4015,
                "Code": "                5827",
                "BillToAddress1": "1233 E. 168TH ST.",
                "BillToAddress2": "",
                "BillToBusinessPhone": "",
                "BillToBusinessPhoneTextEnabled": false,
                "BillToCity": "SO. HOLLAND",
                "BillToCode": "3390070",
                "BillToEmail": "",
                "BillToFax": "",
                "BillToFaxTextEnabled": false,
                "BillToFirstName": "DAVID",
                "BillToLastName": "MURPHY",
                "BillToPhone1": "339-0070",
                "BillToPhone1TextEnabled": false,
                "BillToPhone2": "",
                "BillToPhone2TextEnabled": true,
                "BillToPreferredContact": "",
                "BillToState": "IL",
                "BillToSuite": "",
                "BillToZipCode": "60473",
                "BranchCode": "Default",
                "CarrierCode": "",
                "CommittedPaymentTotal": 0.0,
                "CreditApprovedDateStamp": null,
                "CreditApprovedTimeStamp": "",
                "CreditApprovedUserCode": "",
                "CreditStatusCode": "APPROVED",
                "DateCreated": "2022-08-18T00:00:00",
                "DateFinished": null,
                "DateModified": "2022-08-18T00:00:00",
                "DatePosted": null,
                "Estimate": "Neither",
                "Field1": "",
                "Field2": "",
                "Field3": "",
                "Field4": "",
                "Field5": "",
                "InvoiceTotal": 459.99,
                "InvFinishDate": "2022-08-18T00:00:00",
                "InvStartDate": "2022-08-18T00:00:00",
                "InvTypeCode": "SA",
                "ItemTotal": 0.0,
                "JobStatusCode": "SCHED",
                "LaborTotal": 0.0,
                "MapZoneCode": "DELA",
                "MiscTotal": 0.0,
                "OpenPaymentTotal": 459.99,
                "PaymentTypeCode": "COD",
                "PickUpDate": "2022-08-19T00:00:00",
                "PodiumOptOut": false,
                "PONumber": "",
                "Reference": "",
                "RequestedDate": "2022-08-19T00:00:00",
                "SaleReferralCode": "",
                "Salesperson1Code": "NF",
                "Salesperson2Code": "",
                "Salesperson2Percentage": 0.0,
                "ScheduleDate": null,
                "SerialTotal": 459.99,
                "ShipMethod": "Complete Ship",
                "ShipViaCode": "",
                "SoldToAddress1": "1233 E. 168TH ST.",
                "SoldToAddress2": "",
                "SoldToBusinessPhone": "",
                "SoldToBusinessPhoneTextEnabled": false,
                "SoldToCity": "SO. HOLLAND",
                "SoldToCityCode": "",
                "SoldToCode": "3390070",
                "SoldToDeclineEmail": false,
                "SoldToDirections": "",
                "SoldToEmail": "",
                "SoldToFax": "",
                "SoldToFaxTextEnabled": false,
                "SoldToFirstName": "DAVID",
                "SoldToLastName": "MURPHY",
                "SoldToLatitude": 0.0,
                "SoldToLongitude": 0.0,
                "SoldToPhone1": "339-0070",
                "SoldToPhone1TextEnabled": false,
                "SoldToPhone2": "",
                "SoldToPhone2TextEnabled": true,
                "SoldToPreferredContact": "",
                "SoldToState": "IL",
                "SoldToSuite": "",
                "SoldToZipCode": "60473",
                "Status": "Open",
                "Tax1Exempt": "",
                "Tax1Total": 0.0,
                "Tax2Code": "MAD",
                "Tax2Exempt": "",
                "Tax2MaxAmount": 88.0,
                "Tax2Percentage": 2.75,
                "Tax2Total": 0.0,
                "Tax3Exempt": "",
                "Tax3Percentage": 7.0,
                "Tax3Total": 0.0,
                "TimeCreated": "10:33",
                "TimeFinished": "",
                "TimeModified": "10:35",
                "TimePosted": "",
                "UserCreated": "C",
                "UserFinished": "",
                "UserModified": "C",
                "UserPosted": "",
                "WebOrderID": "",
                "WtyTotal": 0.0,
                "sysCreated": "2022-08-18T10:34:00",
                "sysModified": "2022-08-18T10:35:55",
                "Financed": false,
                "Void": false,
                "Qualification": "",
                "Priority": "",
                "SvcRepairCode1": "",
                "SvcRepairCode2": "",
                "SvcRepairCode3": "",
                "SvcRepairCode4": "",
                "ContractCode": "",
                "SvcContract": "",
                "UpdateHistoryWarranty": false,
                "DispatchUnits": 3,
                "EDIDateStamp": null,
                "EDITimeStamp": "",
                "PrintMethod": "Invoice",
                "DispatchStartTime": "07:00",
                "TripChargeCode": "",
                "TripChargeAmount": 0.0,
                "Locked": false,
                "MobileTechInvoiceCode": "",
                "ServiceRequestID": "",
                "JobStatusUpdate": false,
                "DispatchEmail": false,
                "LastDateSaved": null,
                "LastTimeSaved": "",
                "Terms": "",
                "SvcEquipmentNumber": "",
                "Department": "DELIVERY",
                "EDIMaroline": false,
                "SvcCSRInvoice": "",
                "SvcSoldList": 0.0,
                "SvcSoldSTDCost": 0.0,
                "SvcFollowUpDate": "2022-08-20T00:00:00",
                "SvcScheduleDate": null,
                "EDIWhirlpool": false,
                "MinDepositPercent": 50.0,
                "UnitModifier": 0,
                "TTRTaxCalculated": false,
                "PickUpBranchCode": "",
                "SignCustmizedFields": "",
                "AVBSaleDateSent": null,
                "AVBSaleTimeSent": "",
                "TTRJurisdictionCode": "",
                "COGSPosted": false,
                "CallSequence": 0,
                "DispatchPriority": "",
                "DispatchRequestedRouteCode": "",
                "DispatchSpecRequest": "",
                "DispatchTime": "00:00",
                "DispatchTimeAM": "  ",
                "ItemListPriceCode": "L1",
                "JobLocation": "",
                "JobNumber": "",
                "LaborRate": "Rate 1",
                "MapReference": "",
                "OtherListPriceCode": "L1",
                "SerialListPriceCode": "L1",
                "SvcAgreementExpDate": null,
                "SvcAgreementNumber": "",
                "SvcBrandCode": "",
                "SvcCenter": "",
                "SvcCenterNumber": "",
                "SvcComplaintCode": "",
                "SvcComplaintDesc": "",
                "SvcDatePurchased": null,
                "SvcDealerCode": "",
                "SvcDealerDesc": "",
                "SvcDistributorNumber": "",
                "SvcInWarranty": "No Warranty",
                "SvcMfgCodeEiaNumber": "",
                "SvcMicroLeak": "",
                "SvcMiles": 0.0,
                "SvcMilesRate": 0.0,
                "SvcMilesTotal": 0.0,
                "SvcModel": "",
                "SvcMotorNewNumber": "",
                "SvcMotorOldNumber": "",
                "SvcPerformedCode": "",
                "SvcPerformedDesc": "",
                "SvcProduct": "Other",
                "SvcProductCode": "",
                "SvcRepairCatMinorMajor": "Major",
                "SvcRepairCategory": "Home service",
                "SvcRepairCode": "",
                "SvcRunNumber": "",
                "SvcSerial": "",
                "SvcSpecAuthNumber": "",
                "SvcStockMerchandise": false,
                "SvcTimeCompleted1": "",
                "SvcTimeCompleted2": "",
                "SvcTimeOnJob1": "",
                "SvcTimeOnJob2": "",
                "SvcTimeStarted1": "",
                "SvcTimeStarted2": "",
                "Warranty": "Neither",
                "WarrantyField1": "",
                "WarrantyField2": "",
                "WarrantyField3": "",
                "WarrantyField4": "",
                "WarrantyField5": "",
                "InFulfillment": false,
                "ServiceTime": 45.0
            "InvoiceNote": [
                    "Fields": {
                        "ID": 3369,
                        "Code": "                5827",
                        "CreateDate": "2022-08-18T00:00:00",
                        "CreateTime": "10:34:45",
                        "Note": "User C Reserved Model:DDE8500RFMWH Serial:674696.",
                        "SystemGenerated": true,
                        "UserName": "C",
                        "sysCreated": "2022-08-18T10:34:45",
                        "sysModified": null,
                        "SentToSvcReqProvider": false
                    "Fields": {
                        "ID": 3370,
                        "Code": "                5827",
                        "CreateDate": "2022-08-18T00:00:00",
                        "CreateTime": "10:33:55",
                        "Note": "Edit Dispatching Call - Schedule Date from 8/19/2022 to 00/00/00.PickUp Date from 00/00/00 to 8/19/2022.",
                        "SystemGenerated": true,
                        "UserName": "C",
                        "sysCreated": "2022-08-18T10:35:55",
                        "sysModified": null,
                        "SentToSvcReqProvider": false
            "InvoiceAddress": [
                    "Fields": {
                        "ID": 100869,
                        "InvoiceCode": "                5827",
                        "DateStamp": "2022-08-18T00:00:00",
                        "LineTimeStamp": "10:33:13:748",
                        "Amount": 459.99,
                        "Code": "C",
                        "Description": "1234",
                        "InPackage": "",
                        "LineNo": 2,
                        "LineType": "Payment",
                        "LocationCode": "",
                        "ParentDateStamp": null,
                        "ParentLineTimeStamp": "",
                        "Qty": 0,
                        "Status": "Open",
                        "Tax1": false,
                        "Tax2": false,
                        "Tax3": false,
                        "TripNo": 1,
                        "sysCreated": "2022-08-18T10:35:14",
                        "sysModified": null
                    "Fields": {
                        "ID": 100868,
                        "InvoiceCode": "                5827",
                        "DateStamp": "2022-08-18T00:00:00",
                        "LineTimeStamp": "10:32:32:750",
                        "Amount": 459.99,
                        "Code": "DDE8500RFMWH",
                        "Description": "Extra Large Dryer",
                        "InPackage": "No",
                        "LineNo": 1,
                        "LineType": "Model",
                        "LocationCode": "AR",
                        "ParentDateStamp": null,
                        "ParentLineTimeStamp": "",
                        "Qty": 1,
                        "Status": "Committed",
                        "Tax1": false,
                        "Tax2": false,
                        "Tax3": false,
                        "TripNo": 1,
                        "sysCreated": "2022-08-18T10:34:33",
                        "sysModified": "2022-08-18T10:34:34"
            "InvoiceMisc": [],
            "InvoiceComment": [],
            "InvoiceLabor": [],
            "InvoiceItem": [],
            "InvoiceModel": [
                    "Fields": {
                        "ID": 4594,
                        "InvoiceCode": "                5827",
                        "DateStamp": "2022-08-18T00:00:00",
                        "LineTimeStamp": "10:32:32:750",
                        "BranchCode": "Default",
                        "Color": "",
                        "DateVerified": null,
                        "DateCreated": "2022-08-18T00:00:00",
                        "DateModified": null,
                        "InPackage": false,
                        "LocationCode": "AR",
                        "ModelCode": "DDE8500RFMWH",
                        "ModelDesc": "Extra Large Dryer",
                        "POCode": "                    ",
                        "PODateStamp": null,
                        "POLineTimeStamp": "",
                        "QtyOrdered": 1,
                        "QtyReserved": 1,
                        "QtyShipped": 0,
                        "Reference": "",
                        "SellingPrice": 459.99,
                        "Tax1": false,
                        "Tax2": false,
                        "Tax3": false,
                        "TripNo": 1,
                        "Total": 459.99,
                        "UserCreated": "C",
                        "UserModified": "",
                        "UserVerified": "",
                        "sysCreated": "2022-08-18T10:34:32",
                        "sysModified": "2022-08-18T10:34:34",
                        "TakenStatus": "",
                        "TakenDate": null,
                        "AverageCost": 293.0,
                        "StandardCost": 0.0,
                        "LastCost": 293.0,
                        "SpecialOrderDate": null,
                        "LandedCost": 0.0,
                        "AutoBackorder": true,
                        "ManufacturersWarranty": 0,
                        "ReplacementCost": 3.0,
                        "TimeVerified": "",
                        "OriginalCost": 0.0,
                        "ReserveExclusive": false,
                        "CommissionCode": "",
                        "EDIFormat": "",
                        "FeaturesCode": "",
                        "Features": "",
                        "NewUsed": "New",
                        "Spiff": 0.0,
                        "Status": "Committed",
                        "Tax1CostList": "Cost",
                        "Tax1Included": false,
                        "Tax1Percentage": 0.0,
                        "ServiceTime": 0.0,
                        "Points": 0.0,
                        "Cube": 0.0
                    "InvoiceSerial": []
            "InvoiceTax": [],
            "InvoicePayment": [
                    "Fields": {
                        "ID": 1496,
                        "InvoiceCode": "                5827",
                        "DateStamp": "2022-08-18T00:00:00",
                        "LineTimeStamp": "10:33:13:748",
                        "Amount": 459.99,
                        "BranchCode": "Default",
                        "TerminalCode": "Default",
                        "DateCreated": "2022-08-18T00:00:00",
                        "DateModified": null,
                        "Description": "1234",
                        "PaymentTypeCode": "C",
                        "Status": "Open",
                        "TripNo": 1,
                        "UserCreated": "C",
                        "UserModified": "",
                        "sysCreated": "2022-08-18T10:35:13",
                        "sysModified": null,
                        "AuthCode": "",
                        "CashedOut": false,
                        "CashOutUser": "",
                        "CashOutDateStamp": null,
                        "CashOutTimeStamp": "",
                        "BillToLastName": "MURPHY",
                        "BillToFirstName": "DAVID",
                        "BillToEmail": "",
                        "BillToAddress1": "1233 E. 168TH ST.",
                        "BillToAddress2": "",
                        "BillToCity": "SO. HOLLAND",
                        "BillToState": "IL",
                        "BillToZipCode": "60473",
                        "BillToPhone1": "339-0070",
                        "BillToPhone2": "",
                        "PayerIdentifier": "",
                        "SPAN": "",
                        "PayerDataManagedUntilDate": "",
                        "CardBrand": "",
                        "EntryMethod": "Form Keyed",
                        "InvoicePaymentRef": "",
                        "BillToAddrToUse": 1,
                        "PayerIdType": "",
                        "BankTransactionID": "",
                        "AuthStatus": "",
                        "BillToCode": "3390070",
                        "CardNumber": "",
                        "ExpiryDate": "",
                        "PostDate": null,
                        "RespBankText": "",
                        "RespBatchNo": 0,
                        "RespDate": "",
                        "RespItemNo": 0,
                        "RespRefNo": "",
                        "RespSettlementAmount": 0.0,
                        "RespTime": ""
            "InvoiceWarranty": [],
            "InvoicePackage": [],
            "InvoiceTable1": [],
            "InvoiceTable2": [],
            "DispRoute": []
  "Results": {
    "Success": false,
    "Warning": false,
    "HttpStatusCode": 0,
    "GeneralMessage": null,
    "ExceptionMessage": "Error. Empty Invoice Code",
    "Keys": [],
    "Messages": [],
    "Warnings": []
  "Paging": {
    "PageSize": 100,
    "LargestID": 0,
    "PagesRemaining": false
  "Query": {
    "InvoiceCode": null
  "SubQuery": [],
  "Invoice": []

Search for Modified Invoices

POST /invoicing/invoice/search/modified

This endpoint searches and returns invoices that have had any changes made within the specified date range. This includes changes to the invoice header, detail lines, added notes or comments.


Name Type Description
String Format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sssZ
The endpoint retrieves invoices that were modified within this date range.

Sample: Searching for Modified Invoices

POST /invoicing/invoice/search/modified
"query": {
   "modifiedStartDateTime": "2022-06-22T00:00:00",
   "modifiedEndDateTime": "2022-06-24T00:00:00"

POST /invoicing/invoice/search/modified
    "paging": {
        "pageSize": 2,
        "pageStartId": 0
    "query": {
        "invoiceStatus": [],
        "invTypeCode": [],
        "jobStatusCode": [],
        "paymentTypeCode": [],
        "saleReferralCode": [],
        "modifiedStartDateTime": "2022-06-22T00:00:00",
        "modifiedEndDateTime": "2022-06-24T00:00:00"
	"extendedInfo": {
        "Salesperson1": [
        "Salesperson2": [],
        "Branch": [