Search for Invoices
There are three endpoints you can use when searching for an invoice.
Endpoint | Description |
/invoicing/invoice/search | Used to create customized searches using a wide-range of search parameters. |
/invoicing/invoice/search/code | Used to search for a single invoice by it’s ID code. |
/invoicing /invoice/search/modified | Used to search for invoices that have been modified within a date range. |
Customized Invoice Search
POST /invoicing/invoice/search/
This endpoint searches and returns an invoice based on one or more search parameters. You can search for an invoice by any of it’s attributes.
See Searching, Paging, and Extended Info for instructions on building search queries.Sample: Searching for an Invoice
POST /invoicing/invoice/search
"query": {
"fieldName": "SoldToFirstName",
"eval": "equal",
"value": "Doris"
"subquery" : [
"logic": "AND",
"query": {
"fieldName": "SoldToLastName",
"eval": "equal",
"value": "Gaby"
POST /invoicing/invoice/search
"paging": {
"pageSize": 10,
"pageStartId": 0
"query": {
"fieldName": "Status",
"eval": "equal",
"value": "Open"
"logic": "AND",
"query": {
"fieldName": "MapZoneCode",
"eval": "equal",
"value": "A"
"extendedInfo": {
"Salesperson1": [
"Salesperson2": [],
"Branch": [
Search by Code
POST /invoicing/invoice/search/code
This endpoint searches and returns an invoice by it’s unique ID code.
Name | Type | Description |
query .invoicecode |
string | The invoice’s unique ID code. |
Sample: Searching by Invoice Code
POST /invoicing/invoice/search/code
"query": {
"invoicecode": "5827"
"Results": {
"Success": true,
"Warning": false,
"HttpStatusCode": 200,
"GeneralMessage": "Returned 1 record",
"ExceptionMessage": null,
"Keys": [],
"Messages": [],
"Warnings": []
"Paging": {
"PageSize": 100,
"LargestID": 0,
"PagesRemaining": false
"Query": {
"InvoiceCode": "5827"
"SubQuery": [],
"Invoice": [
"Fields": {
"ID": 4015,
"Code": " 5827",
"BillToAddress1": "1233 E. 168TH ST.",
"BillToAddress2": "",
"BillToBusinessPhone": "",
"BillToBusinessPhoneTextEnabled": false,
"BillToCity": "SO. HOLLAND",
"BillToCode": "3390070",
"BillToEmail": "",
"BillToFax": "",
"BillToFaxTextEnabled": false,
"BillToFirstName": "DAVID",
"BillToLastName": "MURPHY",
"BillToPhone1": "339-0070",
"BillToPhone1TextEnabled": false,
"BillToPhone2": "",
"BillToPhone2TextEnabled": true,
"BillToPreferredContact": "",
"BillToState": "IL",
"BillToSuite": "",
"BillToZipCode": "60473",
"BranchCode": "Default",
"CarrierCode": "",
"CommittedPaymentTotal": 0.0,
"CreditApprovedDateStamp": null,
"CreditApprovedTimeStamp": "",
"CreditApprovedUserCode": "",
"CreditStatusCode": "APPROVED",
"DateCreated": "2022-08-18T00:00:00",
"DateFinished": null,
"DateModified": "2022-08-18T00:00:00",
"DatePosted": null,
"Estimate": "Neither",
"Field1": "",
"Field2": "",
"Field3": "",
"Field4": "",
"Field5": "",
"InvoiceTotal": 459.99,
"InvFinishDate": "2022-08-18T00:00:00",
"InvStartDate": "2022-08-18T00:00:00",
"InvTypeCode": "SA",
"ItemTotal": 0.0,
"JobStatusCode": "SCHED",
"LaborTotal": 0.0,
"MapZoneCode": "DELA",
"MiscTotal": 0.0,
"OpenPaymentTotal": 459.99,
"PaymentTypeCode": "COD",
"PickUpDate": "2022-08-19T00:00:00",
"PodiumOptOut": false,
"PONumber": "",
"Reference": "",
"RequestedDate": "2022-08-19T00:00:00",
"SaleReferralCode": "",
"Salesperson1Code": "NF",
"Salesperson2Code": "",
"Salesperson2Percentage": 0.0,
"ScheduleDate": null,
"SerialTotal": 459.99,
"ShipMethod": "Complete Ship",
"ShipViaCode": "",
"SoldToAddress1": "1233 E. 168TH ST.",
"SoldToAddress2": "",
"SoldToBusinessPhone": "",
"SoldToBusinessPhoneTextEnabled": false,
"SoldToCity": "SO. HOLLAND",
"SoldToCityCode": "",
"SoldToCode": "3390070",
"SoldToDeclineEmail": false,
"SoldToDirections": "",
"SoldToEmail": "",
"SoldToFax": "",
"SoldToFaxTextEnabled": false,
"SoldToFirstName": "DAVID",
"SoldToLastName": "MURPHY",
"SoldToLatitude": 0.0,
"SoldToLongitude": 0.0,
"SoldToPhone1": "339-0070",
"SoldToPhone1TextEnabled": false,
"SoldToPhone2": "",
"SoldToPhone2TextEnabled": true,
"SoldToPreferredContact": "",
"SoldToState": "IL",
"SoldToSuite": "",
"SoldToZipCode": "60473",
"Status": "Open",
"Tax1Exempt": "",
"Tax1Total": 0.0,
"Tax2Code": "MAD",
"Tax2Exempt": "",
"Tax2MaxAmount": 88.0,
"Tax2Percentage": 2.75,
"Tax2Total": 0.0,
"Tax3Exempt": "",
"Tax3Percentage": 7.0,
"Tax3Total": 0.0,
"TimeCreated": "10:33",
"TimeFinished": "",
"TimeModified": "10:35",
"TimePosted": "",
"UserCreated": "C",
"UserFinished": "",
"UserModified": "C",
"UserPosted": "",
"WebOrderID": "",
"WtyTotal": 0.0,
"sysCreated": "2022-08-18T10:34:00",
"sysModified": "2022-08-18T10:35:55",
"Financed": false,
"Void": false,
"Qualification": "",
"Priority": "",
"SvcRepairCode1": "",
"SvcRepairCode2": "",
"SvcRepairCode3": "",
"SvcRepairCode4": "",
"ContractCode": "",
"SvcContract": "",
"UpdateHistoryWarranty": false,
"DispatchUnits": 3,
"EDIDateStamp": null,
"EDITimeStamp": "",
"PrintMethod": "Invoice",
"DispatchStartTime": "07:00",
"TripChargeCode": "",
"TripChargeAmount": 0.0,
"Locked": false,
"MobileTechInvoiceCode": "",
"ServiceRequestID": "",
"JobStatusUpdate": false,
"DispatchEmail": false,
"LastDateSaved": null,
"LastTimeSaved": "",
"Terms": "",
"SvcEquipmentNumber": "",
"Department": "DELIVERY",
"EDIMaroline": false,
"SvcCSRInvoice": "",
"SvcSoldList": 0.0,
"SvcSoldSTDCost": 0.0,
"SvcFollowUpDate": "2022-08-20T00:00:00",
"SvcScheduleDate": null,
"EDIWhirlpool": false,
"MinDepositPercent": 50.0,
"UnitModifier": 0,
"TTRTaxCalculated": false,
"PickUpBranchCode": "",
"SignCustmizedFields": "",
"AVBSaleDateSent": null,
"AVBSaleTimeSent": "",
"TTRJurisdictionCode": "",
"COGSPosted": false,
"CallSequence": 0,
"DispatchPriority": "",
"DispatchRequestedRouteCode": "",
"DispatchSpecRequest": "",
"DispatchTime": "00:00",
"DispatchTimeAM": " ",
"ItemListPriceCode": "L1",
"JobLocation": "",
"JobNumber": "",
"LaborRate": "Rate 1",
"MapReference": "",
"OtherListPriceCode": "L1",
"SerialListPriceCode": "L1",
"SvcAgreementExpDate": null,
"SvcAgreementNumber": "",
"SvcBrandCode": "",
"SvcCenter": "",
"SvcCenterNumber": "",
"SvcComplaintCode": "",
"SvcComplaintDesc": "",
"SvcDatePurchased": null,
"SvcDealerCode": "",
"SvcDealerDesc": "",
"SvcDistributorNumber": "",
"SvcInWarranty": "No Warranty",
"SvcMfgCodeEiaNumber": "",
"SvcMicroLeak": "",
"SvcMiles": 0.0,
"SvcMilesRate": 0.0,
"SvcMilesTotal": 0.0,
"SvcModel": "",
"SvcMotorNewNumber": "",
"SvcMotorOldNumber": "",
"SvcPerformedCode": "",
"SvcPerformedDesc": "",
"SvcProduct": "Other",
"SvcProductCode": "",
"SvcRepairCatMinorMajor": "Major",
"SvcRepairCategory": "Home service",
"SvcRepairCode": "",
"SvcRunNumber": "",
"SvcSerial": "",
"SvcSpecAuthNumber": "",
"SvcStockMerchandise": false,
"SvcTimeCompleted1": "",
"SvcTimeCompleted2": "",
"SvcTimeOnJob1": "",
"SvcTimeOnJob2": "",
"SvcTimeStarted1": "",
"SvcTimeStarted2": "",
"Warranty": "Neither",
"WarrantyField1": "",
"WarrantyField2": "",
"WarrantyField3": "",
"WarrantyField4": "",
"WarrantyField5": "",
"InFulfillment": false,
"ServiceTime": 45.0
"InvoiceNote": [
"Fields": {
"ID": 3369,
"Code": " 5827",
"CreateDate": "2022-08-18T00:00:00",
"CreateTime": "10:34:45",
"Note": "User C Reserved Model:DDE8500RFMWH Serial:674696.",
"SystemGenerated": true,
"UserName": "C",
"sysCreated": "2022-08-18T10:34:45",
"sysModified": null,
"SentToSvcReqProvider": false
"Fields": {
"ID": 3370,
"Code": " 5827",
"CreateDate": "2022-08-18T00:00:00",
"CreateTime": "10:33:55",
"Note": "Edit Dispatching Call - Schedule Date from 8/19/2022 to 00/00/00.PickUp Date from 00/00/00 to 8/19/2022.",
"SystemGenerated": true,
"UserName": "C",
"sysCreated": "2022-08-18T10:35:55",
"sysModified": null,
"SentToSvcReqProvider": false
"InvoiceAddress": [
"Fields": {
"ID": 100869,
"InvoiceCode": " 5827",
"DateStamp": "2022-08-18T00:00:00",
"LineTimeStamp": "10:33:13:748",
"Amount": 459.99,
"Code": "C",
"Description": "1234",
"InPackage": "",
"LineNo": 2,
"LineType": "Payment",
"LocationCode": "",
"ParentDateStamp": null,
"ParentLineTimeStamp": "",
"Qty": 0,
"Status": "Open",
"Tax1": false,
"Tax2": false,
"Tax3": false,
"TripNo": 1,
"sysCreated": "2022-08-18T10:35:14",
"sysModified": null
"Fields": {
"ID": 100868,
"InvoiceCode": " 5827",
"DateStamp": "2022-08-18T00:00:00",
"LineTimeStamp": "10:32:32:750",
"Amount": 459.99,
"Code": "DDE8500RFMWH",
"Description": "Extra Large Dryer",
"InPackage": "No",
"LineNo": 1,
"LineType": "Model",
"LocationCode": "AR",
"ParentDateStamp": null,
"ParentLineTimeStamp": "",
"Qty": 1,
"Status": "Committed",
"Tax1": false,
"Tax2": false,
"Tax3": false,
"TripNo": 1,
"sysCreated": "2022-08-18T10:34:33",
"sysModified": "2022-08-18T10:34:34"
"InvoiceMisc": [],
"InvoiceComment": [],
"InvoiceLabor": [],
"InvoiceItem": [],
"InvoiceModel": [
"Fields": {
"ID": 4594,
"InvoiceCode": " 5827",
"DateStamp": "2022-08-18T00:00:00",
"LineTimeStamp": "10:32:32:750",
"BranchCode": "Default",
"Color": "",
"DateVerified": null,
"DateCreated": "2022-08-18T00:00:00",
"DateModified": null,
"InPackage": false,
"LocationCode": "AR",
"ModelCode": "DDE8500RFMWH",
"ModelDesc": "Extra Large Dryer",
"POCode": " ",
"PODateStamp": null,
"POLineTimeStamp": "",
"QtyOrdered": 1,
"QtyReserved": 1,
"QtyShipped": 0,
"Reference": "",
"SellingPrice": 459.99,
"Tax1": false,
"Tax2": false,
"Tax3": false,
"TripNo": 1,
"Total": 459.99,
"UserCreated": "C",
"UserModified": "",
"UserVerified": "",
"sysCreated": "2022-08-18T10:34:32",
"sysModified": "2022-08-18T10:34:34",
"TakenStatus": "",
"TakenDate": null,
"AverageCost": 293.0,
"StandardCost": 0.0,
"LastCost": 293.0,
"SpecialOrderDate": null,
"LandedCost": 0.0,
"AutoBackorder": true,
"ManufacturersWarranty": 0,
"ReplacementCost": 3.0,
"TimeVerified": "",
"OriginalCost": 0.0,
"ReserveExclusive": false,
"CommissionCode": "",
"EDIFormat": "",
"FeaturesCode": "",
"Features": "",
"NewUsed": "New",
"Spiff": 0.0,
"Status": "Committed",
"Tax1CostList": "Cost",
"Tax1Included": false,
"Tax1Percentage": 0.0,
"ServiceTime": 0.0,
"Points": 0.0,
"Cube": 0.0
"InvoiceSerial": []
"InvoiceTax": [],
"InvoicePayment": [
"Fields": {
"ID": 1496,
"InvoiceCode": " 5827",
"DateStamp": "2022-08-18T00:00:00",
"LineTimeStamp": "10:33:13:748",
"Amount": 459.99,
"BranchCode": "Default",
"TerminalCode": "Default",
"DateCreated": "2022-08-18T00:00:00",
"DateModified": null,
"Description": "1234",
"PaymentTypeCode": "C",
"Status": "Open",
"TripNo": 1,
"UserCreated": "C",
"UserModified": "",
"sysCreated": "2022-08-18T10:35:13",
"sysModified": null,
"AuthCode": "",
"CashedOut": false,
"CashOutUser": "",
"CashOutDateStamp": null,
"CashOutTimeStamp": "",
"BillToLastName": "MURPHY",
"BillToFirstName": "DAVID",
"BillToEmail": "",
"BillToAddress1": "1233 E. 168TH ST.",
"BillToAddress2": "",
"BillToCity": "SO. HOLLAND",
"BillToState": "IL",
"BillToZipCode": "60473",
"BillToPhone1": "339-0070",
"BillToPhone2": "",
"PayerIdentifier": "",
"SPAN": "",
"PayerDataManagedUntilDate": "",
"CardBrand": "",
"EntryMethod": "Form Keyed",
"InvoicePaymentRef": "",
"BillToAddrToUse": 1,
"PayerIdType": "",
"BankTransactionID": "",
"AuthStatus": "",
"BillToCode": "3390070",
"CardNumber": "",
"ExpiryDate": "",
"PostDate": null,
"RespBankText": "",
"RespBatchNo": 0,
"RespDate": "",
"RespItemNo": 0,
"RespRefNo": "",
"RespSettlementAmount": 0.0,
"RespTime": ""
"InvoiceWarranty": [],
"InvoicePackage": [],
"InvoiceTable1": [],
"InvoiceTable2": [],
"DispRoute": []
"Results": {
"Success": false,
"Warning": false,
"HttpStatusCode": 0,
"GeneralMessage": null,
"ExceptionMessage": "Error. Empty Invoice Code",
"Keys": [],
"Messages": [],
"Warnings": []
"Paging": {
"PageSize": 100,
"LargestID": 0,
"PagesRemaining": false
"Query": {
"InvoiceCode": null
"SubQuery": [],
"Invoice": []
Search for Modified Invoices
POST /invoicing/invoice/search/modified
This endpoint searches and returns invoices that have had any changes made within the specified date range. This includes changes to the invoice header, detail lines, added notes or comments.
Name | Type | Description |
query .modifiedStartDateTime query .modifiedEndDateTime |
String | Format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sssZ The endpoint retrieves invoices that were modified within this date range. |
Sample: Searching for Modified Invoices
POST /invoicing/invoice/search/modified
"query": {
"modifiedStartDateTime": "2022-06-22T00:00:00",
"modifiedEndDateTime": "2022-06-24T00:00:00"
POST /invoicing/invoice/search/modified
"paging": {
"pageSize": 2,
"pageStartId": 0
"query": {
"invoiceStatus": [],
"invTypeCode": [],
"jobStatusCode": [],
"paymentTypeCode": [],
"saleReferralCode": [],
"modifiedStartDateTime": "2022-06-22T00:00:00",
"modifiedEndDateTime": "2022-06-24T00:00:00"
"extendedInfo": {
"Salesperson1": [
"Salesperson2": [],
"Branch": [
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