
The ServiceRequest endpoint can be used to add a service appointment to EPASS.

Service Request Web Page Sample Files

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Add a Service Request

POST /external/servicerequest

This endpoint adds a new service request to EPASS.

  • For more information on EPASS service requests and how to set up your EPASS system to accept them, refer to the EPASS Help.

  • Some fields in the Service Request table are either optional or required based on their configuration in EPASS. In EPASS, go to Tools > System Maintenance > Variables > Website > Svc Request.

  • Fields with configurable requirements are indicated in the Payload table with a .


Name Type Description Max Length Required
firstName string The customer’s first name. 20
lastName string The customer’s last name. 50
address1 string The customer’s street address. 30
address2 string Secondary address line. 30
city string The customer’s city. 30
state string The customer’s state or province. 4
zip string The customer’s zip or postal code. 10
phone1 string The customer’s phone number. 20
phone2 string Optional secondary phone number 20
email string The customer’s email. 255
brand string The brand code of the model that requires service. This must be a valid code found in the Brand table of EPASS. 50
dealerCode string The dealer where the model was purchased from. This must be a valid code found in the Dealer table of EPASS. 5
dealerDesc string The dealerCode description. 50
product string The model’s product category code. 50
model string The model code. 25
serial string The model’s serial number. 35
complaint string The customer’s description of the complaint or reason for service. 8,000
datePurchased string Format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sssZ
The original purchase date of the model.
requestDate string Format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sssZ
The requested service date.

Sample: Adding a Service Request

POST /external/servicerequest
    "lastName": "Smith",
    "firstName": "John",
    "address1": "1111 Main street",
    "address2": null,
    "city": "Anytown",
    "state": "BC",
    "zip": "V4W 0Y2",
    "country": null,
    "phone1": "60411111111",
    "phone2": null,
    "email": "",
    "brand": "aga",
    "dealerCode": "DEW",
    "product": "11112",
    "model": "modelAR",
    "serial": "SerialNum",
    "complaint": "Ice maker won't make ice",
    "datePurchased": "2022-02-15T09:00:00"
    "success": true,
    "warning": false,
    "httpStatusCode": 201,
    "generalMessage": null,
    "exceptionMessage": null,
    "keys": [
            "table": "ServiceRequest",
            "keys": [
                    "key": "ID",
                    "fields": [
                            "fieldName": "ID",
                            "fieldValue": 5
    "messages": [],
    "warnings": []
    "success": false,
    "warning": false,
    "httpStatusCode": 422,
    "generalMessage": "One or more of the fields has an invalid or missing value.",
    "exceptionMessage": null,
    "keys": [],
    "messages": [
            "code": "ServReq-00031",
            "message": "Dealer Info is missing."
    "warnings": []