Connecting the Move/5000 to Your Wireless Network and Generating the Activation Code

Updated August 19, 2024

These instructions will guide you through connecting your Ingenico Movie/5000 terminal to your network via Wi-Fi and generating an activation code. Once the terminal is connected to your network and produces a code, you will need to activate it.

To Connect the Move/5000

  1. If necessary, power on the terminal by holding down the green Enter key for two seconds.
  2. At the terminal home screen, press [0], [0], [0], [1] on the keypad.
  3. On the touchscreen, tap WIFI Parameters.

  1. Tap Scan Networks.

  1. Tap your network.

: Only Wi-Fi Networks that are password-protected appear in the Available Networks list.


  1. Enter the Wi-Fi password and then press the green Enter key.

  1. You are automatically taken back to the Terminal's home screen. Wait for at least one minute for the Wi-Fi connection to complete. The Wi-Fi symbol in the top left corner of the screen is orange while connecting and green when connected.

Troubleshooting Steps

If the terminal fails to connect to your Wi-Fi network, try the following troubleshooting steps.

Restart the Terminal

  1. Shutdown the terminal by holding down the yellow Cancel key and # key until the "Shutdown in Progress" message appears.

  1. Once the terminal finishes shutting down, power on the terminal by holding down the green Enter key for two seconds.
  2. After the terminal finishes start up, it should connect to the network and the Wi-Fi signal indicator at the top left of the screen changes from orange (connecting) to green (connected).

Remove the Wi-Fi Network Profile

  1. At the terminal home screen, press [0], [0], [0], [1] on the keypad.
  2. On the touchscreen, tap WIFI Parameters.

  1. Tap My Networks.

  1. Tap Delete All.

Now that the Wi-Fi network profiles are removed from the terminal, you can follow the steps above to re-add the Wi-Fi network.

Open Specific Network Ports

: Opening ports in your network can pose security risks. Before following these steps, consult with your IT professional or contact EPASS Support

Connection errors with the terminal may be due to closed ports on your network. If after trying the troubleshooting steps above you still can't connect the terminal to your network, verify that this list of ports are open.

Port Domain


You don’t need to open each port to all traffic. You only need to allow or whitelist the domains listed for each port.

Contact EPASS Support

If the steps above do not resolve your connection issues, contact EPASS Support for help.

The support agent may need your terminal's serial number. To locate the serial number, restart the terminal. The serial number appears on this screen during startup:


See Also