Searching for Transactions

Last updated May 23, 2024

The transaction search is the most used feature in Merchant Track because you can find a specific transaction or set of transactions. Additionally, you can confirm a refund for a customer went through or find out why a customer's payment failed.

Note: To search for a transaction, the EPASS user needs the Merchant Track - Transaction Search security option. See EPASS Pay Security Options for more details.

To Search for a Transaction:

  1. Start Merchant Track by clicking its button on the toolbar.

  1. On the left side menu, click Transaction Search.

There are a several filter options to narrow your search of a transaction.

  1. Merchant: If you have access to multiple locations, you can select a single location from the dropdown menu. If there are multiple locations, the menu list will be in Alphabetical order.
  2. Payment Method: Filter the search results by payment method (for example, VISA, Mastercard, American Express).
  3. Status: Each transaction has a status associated with it. You can filter your search by status type here. For a complete list of statuses and what they mean, click here.
  4. Transaction ID/Account Holder Name/Customer ID: Every payment made in EPASS Pay is associated with a transaction ID, account holder name, and customer ID. If you need the status of a specific transaction, you can enter one or more of these pieces of information here.
  5. Transaction Date Type/Range: If you'd like to search for transactions within a certain date range, enter a start and end date here. If a date range is not selected the entire transaction history is returned in the search results. You can also select which date is used from the Transaction Date dropdown: the Authorization Date or the Capture Date.
  6. Invoice Number: If you'd like to search for a payment on a specific invoice, enter the invoice number here.
  7. Account Last 4: Enter the last four numbers of a card used for payment to find all transactions associated with that card.

See Also: